And everything started in Italy
At the beginning of 1914 he moved to Italy, to Garlasco (Pavia). His wife, pregnant of her first son, didn’t want to follow him and she moved back to Barcelona with her family where my father Vicens was born in May 1914. My grandfather, in Garlasco, sang for a whole month in the Martinetti Theater. He received very good reviews in the newspapers. The beginning of WW1 forced him to move again to Barcelona. He then focused his career on the “bel canto”.
He sang not only in Barcelona, but also in Palma de Mallorca, Mataró, Tarragona, Masnou, Igualada… At some point he received an offer to go back to Valencia and sing in the Ruzafa Theater, with the Patricio Leon Company. He moved with his wife and his newborn son. The season started on October 7th with Maruxa and he quickly received an offer to sing in the Martí Theater in La Havana (Cuba). He finished his season in Valencia by the end of December.
Barcelona, January 1915 Portrait of Vicent Ballester |