The singer’s premier in La Havana

Early 1916 Vicent crosses the Atlantic Ocean for the first time to go and sing in Cuba. His wife, pregnant of his second son, doesn't travel with him. She stays in Spain and she won’t ever leave again, even though Vicent didn't stop asking her to go with him.

His successful premier in the Martí Theater was on February 8th. He didn't stop acting until May and he sang a great number of zarzuelas and operettas, sometimes more than once during a given day. With the same cast he moved to the Nacional Galaico Theater until July 10th. And again with the same cast (the Mexican actress and singer Mimí Derba, his fellow Carmen Alonso and the singer from Andalusia Lolita Areallano among them) and the same shows he played in the Payret Theater. During one of these shows in La Havana he met for the first time with the great Catalan tenor Hipólito Lázaro.

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